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Congressman Joe Pitts' Blog

Obamacare Raises Healthcare Costs

In a front page article, the Wall Street Journal reports that health insurers will be raising premiums as a direct result of new mandates imposed the recently passed healthcare reform. Major insurers are filing their rate increases with state regulators for next year and they claim that increases between 1 and 9 percent are due to Obamacare. This comes as a surprise to no one except the Obama administration. The Congressional Budget Office and think tanks detailed how the bill would increase costs, but these concerns were largely dismissed in the rush to pass the legislation. On the campaign trail, President Obama claimed he had a plan to save American families $2500 a year in annual premiums. Instead of saving, however, his plan actually increases costs for millions of Americans.

Posted by Pitts Press Office (09-08-2010, 03:07 PM) filed under Health


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